Board of Directors

Kay Buchanan

Kay Buchanan

At Large

Kay Buchanan has been a cornerstone of the GA Jaycces and Camp Dream for as long as anyone can remember.  Kay has served in multiple roles within the Camp Dream Foundation, to include its President in 2004.  She remains the longest tenured active board member to-date.  

Kati K as many of us call her, is a seasoned Jaycee.  She has served as GA JCI Senate President in '02- '03 and as National JCI Senate Vice President in '14- '15.  Kay is a founding member of the Gray Jaycees and continues to mentor her local chapter.  Kay has received many awards and accolades throughout her impressive career.  In 2009, Kay was honored with the Jim Calder Award for the Most Outstanding National Senator of the Year; most recently she received the Donnie Alvis Memorial Award as Outstanding National Vice President of the Year.  

Ms. Buchanan is retired from the medical financial management industry.  She was most recently Financial Manager for the largest dental practice in Middle Ga, now her dentist for over 20 years.  Kay also has a mentally and physically challenged brother, Gary who just turned 59, and is his main caregiver.  Kay is extremely passionate about Camp Dream and is always eager to help out wherever she can.

Kati K will light up any room with her warm spirit and contagious smile.  When she's not actively advocating on the Camp's behalf, you may find Kay working in her garden or adding to her thimble collection.  Kay is also very active in her community church, volunteering her time wherever she is needed.

Charlotte Escobedo

Charlotte Escobedo

Medical Director

Charlotte Escobedo has served Camp Dream for 14 years in many different capacities, starting as a counselor in 2000.  Currently, Charlotte resides as the Medical Director on the Board.  At Camp, she oversees all medical personnel.  Charlotte brings 25 years of medical experience as both a Paramedic and an ER  Registered Nurse.  Her main goal, "to ensure the safety and well being of both the kids and the counselors".  

Ms. Escobedo is often called "Nursee Lady" by most of the campers and counselors.  Watch out, she is a major prankster and always gets even...  Charlotte's love of water is only second to her love for her camper's.  She never misses a pool session at Camp and can often times be found at the Beach with her dogs during her free time.  Charlotte is pictured here with her friend David, Wild West Theme in 2014.

Beverly Taylor

Beverly Taylor

Programs Director

Beverly Taylor has served the Camp Dream Foundation for more than 17 years.  During this time, she has performed nearly every function at Camp Dream and currently oversees all Camp Dream Programs.   

Initially, Beverly worked as a Georgia Jaycees member to help raise funds to build Camp Dream, sharing the vision for the camp that was established by its founders. During her term as GA Jaycees President, Ms. Taylor brought more attention to the camp by recruiting more volunteers, engaging more chapters, and increasing the visibility of the camp within the Georgia Jaycees organization.

Ms. Taylor has also been the Camp Director or Associate Director for 13 of the 20 years the camp has been in operation. She was elected to the Board as Programs Director in 2010.  During her time as Camp/ Programs Director, Beverly has increased the number of sessions annually, established and enhanced the principal acceptance of all disability types and severity, improved and expanded Camp activities, increased professionalism of the staff and counselors, implemented programs to assist other non profits by providing children’s activities at their events.

Beverly answers to Miss B at Camp.  She has spent her entire vacation during the last 10+ years volunteering her time at Camp.  When Beverly isn't working tirelessly for Camp Dream you might find her spending time with her parents, catching a Braves game or eating her favorite Italian food at a nearby restaurant.

Les Roberts

Les Roberts

Events Director

Les Roberts is one of the newest additions to the Camp Dream Foundation's Board of Directors.  Les brings a plethora of event fundraising experience to Camp Dream, having created and organized several large scale events like his signature Blueprint Project Atlanta.

Mr. Roberts joined the board in the Spring of 2014 to help the Camp Dream Foundation raise further awareness and funds for Camp Dream.  He is very philanthropic and believes that in order to achieve individual success one must be willing to serve and give back to others.  You must do your part for charity with passion and integrity.  Les has been involved with several major charities in and outside the Atlanta area, such as: March of Dimes, Salvation Army Disaster Relief, MS Research Centers, American Cancer Society, Children's Healthcare Atlanta and the ALS Foundation.

Les is pictured here with his pride and joy, daughter Peyton.  When Les isn't hanging out with Peyton or cheering on his Alabama, you will often find him at some of the best events in and around Atlanta.